Typora의 단축키 목록 (Typora Hotkey)


Typora의 단축키 중에서 자주 사용하는 것

Paragraph에서 단축키

FunctionHotkey (macOS)Hotkey (Windows/Linux)
Heading 1 to 6Command + 1/2/3/4/5/6Ctrl + 1/2/3/4/5/6
ParagraphCommand + 0Ctrl + 0
Increase Heading LevelCommand + =Ctrl + =
Decrease Heading LevelCommand + -Ctrl + -
TableCommand + Option + TCtrl + T
Code FencesCommand + Option + CCtrl + Shift + K
Math BlockCommand + Option + BCtrl + Shift + M
QuoteCommand + Option + QCtrl + Shift + Q
Ordered ListCommand + Option + OCtrl + Shift + [
Unordered ListCommand + Option + UCtrl + Shift + ]
IndentCommand + [ / TabCtrl + [ / Tab
OutdentCommand + ] / Shift + TabCtrl + ] / Shift + Tab


Format에서 단축키

FunctionHotkey (macOS)Hotkey (Windows/Linux)
StrongCommand + BCtrl + B
EmphasisCommand + ICtrl + I
UnderlineCommand + UCtrl + U
CodeCommand + Shift + ` Ctrl + Shift + `
StrikeControl + Shift + `Alt + Shift + 5
HyperlinkCommand + KCtrl + K
ImageCommand + Control + ICtrl + Shift + I
Clear FormatCommand + \Ctrl + \


Edit에서 단축키

FunctionHotkey (macOS)Hotkey (Windows/Linux)
New ParagraphEnterEnter
New LineShift + EnterShift + Enter
CutCommand + XCtrl + X
CopyCommand + CCtrl + C
PasteCommand + VCtrl + V
Copy As HTML(or Markdown)Command + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + C
Paste As Plain TextCommand + Shift + VCtrl + Shift + V
Select AllCommand + ACtrl + A
Select Line/Sentence Select Row (in table)Command + LCtrl + L
Delete Row (in table)Command + Shift + BackspaceCtrl + Shift + Backspace
Select Style Scope Select Cell (in table)Command + ECtrl + E
Select WordCommand + DCtrl + D
Delete WordCommand + Shift + DCtrl + Shift + D
Jump to TopCommand + ↑Ctrl + Home
Jump to SelectionCommand + JCtrl + J
Jump to BottomCommand + ↓Ctrl + End
FindCommand + FCtrl + F
Find NextCommand + G / EnterF3 / Enter
Find PreviousCommand + Shift + G / Shift + EnterShift + F3 / Shift + Enter
ReplaceCommand + HCtrl + H

View에서 단축키

FunctionHotkey (macOS)Hotkey (Windows/Linux)
Toggle SidebarCommand + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + L
OutlineCommand + Control + 1Ctrl + Shift + 1
ArticlesCommand + Control + 2Ctrl + Shift + 2
File TreeCommand + Control + 3Ctrl + Shift + 3
Source Code ModeCommand + /Ctrl + /
Focus ModeF8F8
Typewriter ModeF9F9
Toggle FullscreenCommand + Option + FF11
Actual Size(Not Supported)Ctrl + Shift + 0
Zoom In(Not Supported)Ctrl + Shift + =
Zoom Out(Not Supported)Ctrl + Shift + -
Switch Between Opened DocumentsCommand + `Ctrl + Tab
Toggle DevTools-Shift + F12

맥(맥북 MacOS)에서 특수문자를 입력하는 방법

"Commnad + Control + Space"를 누릅니다.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

위니아 딤채 소형 김치냉장고 AS후기 (WDS10CERPS 수리비용과 수리과정)

1개의 영어단어로 된 색상 이름들 (html에 사용가능한 색상키워드)

맥미니에 연결한 새로운 모니터에서 발생한 HDR동영상의 색상 문제 해결기